Hi Everyone!

Happy 2025 to all our friends everywhere. We appreciate you very much!

The March Hare Machine keeps rolling and we are thrilled to be spreading musical joy everywhere. Hope to see you out there somewhere.

Band manager: Cris Schandl, Sonic Flower Entertainment (778) 329-7998

Thanks for all your Facebook postings, pictures and emails. It's an honor to have so many people interested in what we're doing. Life is good in Wonderland!

All the best,

March Hare Band

Check out the new live show VIDEOS


For worldwide bookings of The MARCH HARE Band,
contact Cris Schandl at Sonic Flower Entertainment
(778) 329-7998 sonicflowercris@gmail.com


Dan Hare, (604) 897-6834 dhare@telus.net

PLEASE NOTE: If you wish to have March Hare perform for your event, please try to book it early. The band has been unable to accept many potential bookings because of scheduling and demand.

If you would like more information about The March Hare Band or if you have any comments, feel free to contact Dan Hare or Andy Smyth

Thanks again and check back soon.








Updated March 24/2025

Club 240, Crescent Beach Legion
March Hare variety night
April 11, 8pm, Tix - 20 adv. 25 door

Donegal's, Surrey
March Hare Show, 60s-80s
April 12, 8:30, $20

Towne Theatre, Vernon B.C.
American Rock Legends
Centerfield - Fogerty/CCR
Night Moves - Bob Seger
April 18, Friday, 7pm
Tix Here

Venables Theatre, Oliver B.C.
American Rock Legends
April 19, Saturday, 7pm
Tix Here

Starlight Casino, New West
May 9-10, 9pm

Ocean Parc Theatre, White Rock
American Rock Legends
Centerfield - Fogerty
Dead Man's Town - Springsteen
Night Moves - Seger
May 16 - TIX Here

Grand Villa Casino, Burnaby
May 23, 9pm

Raven's Cry Theatre, Sechelt
American Rock Legends

Dead Man's Town - Springsteen
Night Moves - Seger
May 31 - Tix Here

Peach City Beach Cruise, Penticton
Ooh La La - Rod Stewart Tribute
Stolen Cars - Cars Tribute
March Hare 60s-80s
June 20-21

Funtastic, Vernon
American Rock Legends
Centerfield (Fogerty)
Dead Man's Town (Springsteen)
Night Moves (Seger)
June 28

Tim Horton's Brier, Saskatoon


Whoopin' it up with the Alberta Oilmens Association
, Jasper Park Lodge



House Band for many years



© 2003 - 2015 March Hare. Design by A. Smyth. Email webmaster