The gig was fun, Cheryl and the TRW people were great,
Paul and the Sheraton staff were awesome....
but the VIEW!!

Oh yeah, the show.... it was great, too.

Tuvy, soundman extraordinaire

Production man Robbie

Alright, back to the scenery...

Nice scenery (the Falls, too)

View from the top of the Skylon Tower (Canadian side)

"That's a lotta water, I tell ya"

The American side of the Falls... not bad, I guess

Da goils...

Suzanne Paxton, President and CEO of The Image Of You Photography
She took the more impressive pics you're looking at.

Dan in front of something...

No comment

Bear hug, literally

Andy trying to look thoughtful...

Suzanne Paxton, Esq.

"Stupid scarf............................ hold still....."

"Dagnab it.... gol darn it.......................... there"

(hmmm, long way down...)

Kimmy trying to look thoughtful

This is more like it...

And goodbye at Pearson International

Thanks again to everyone at TRW Automotive