A wedding...
on New Years Eve!
What a great idea!!
Tyler and Emily decided to combine two parties into one..
First dance
Emily grooves with Andy
Emily seen here with Ian and Dan
Emily seen here with Kim and an unidentified kilt-wearer
Real men don't set down their beer for a conga line
Kimmy and fan
Dan and Kim with Alicia, one of our wedding planners
Our lightman BRAIN!
Brain enjoys his work...
Kimmy and Kilt Guy
Wedding planner Samantha
Dan with Sheldon, one of the PHOTOBOOTH boys
Fraser in front of PHOTOBOOTH
Thanks to Emily & Tyler Woeste for having us on their special day...
Thanks to Suzanne, Samantha and Alicia for putting on a great wedding...
and thanks to all the cool staff at the Sutton Place