Had a great time with our friends Frank Viola and Kathy Belter from

NEC Unified Solutions down in Jacksonville, Florida


Arrrr, mateys! Only the bravest of party-going pirates can enter here!



Woo - hoo!! Let's ROCK!!



Frank gets down...



Steve Kopel, Kimmy and Frank Viola





































Mike Adams came onstage for a blues jam







Quincy, our fellow Vancouverite





Dan with our backline gear man, Mike





Ian (middle) with our gear guys - Joe and Mike



Andy and friend



Dan and friend








* * *



And now for a few pics around the hotel and the city of Jacksonville





(taken thru a window from the roof of the Hyatt)



























We'd like to thank Frank Viola and Kathy Belter for having us,

and our cool crew guys Todd, Mike and Joe from Bivins Productions


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