Had a great time in Jasper doing a show for the
Alta Dental Association and their families.


Let's see .... a musketeer, Robin Hood, Roman soldier, Roman Emperor Nero...





... some cute little fairies and Rockstar Dan





Kimmy and her fairies










Danny Zuko and fans





Kim befriends the Big Bad Wolf





Conga line!!





Sneezy? Dopey? Sleepy?


































Carmen Miranda





Mirror Mirror, on the wall
Went to Jasper, had a ball








Dan with organizer Kim McDonald





Crew shot - Shane, Brian, Kimmy, Mike and Graham





Dan with da crew boyz








And now for a few trip pics. We also had time for a quick stroll thru downtown Jasper


"Jasper..... Jasper...... it's not here"





"Don't worry guys, I'll find it"





We Vancouver musicians fondly refer to it as Alberia








Now that's a mountain - Mt Robson, highest in the Canadian Rockies










Up close and personal with Jasper the Bear





Two different ways of enjoying wildlife





Even Jasper has its homeless problem










"I'd like to report a homeless man sleeping on a park bench"





"Me want coffee"




Just a couple of tourists













And a good time was had by all!

Thanks to Kim McDonald and everyone at the ADA for having us!

And the friendly staff at the Jasper Park Lodge.

Thanks for dropping by...

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